Verse of the day

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

‎"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your [spouse's] eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?" ~Jesus (Matt 7:3)

We all have our own eye "logs" to work on.. if you can't see yours, maybe your spouse can help you find it? lol ..and asking God to reveal those areas helps too of course ;)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

‎"Should you end your marriage if things are not going well? After all, whatever issues you don’t resolve in your present marriage will be carried over into your next relationship, and the cycle will be repeated. Changing partners doesn’t guarantee happiness.

Here's the antidote for an unhappy marriage: working on yourself and the relationship." ~Nancy J. Wasson, Ph.D.

Save time, fix what you got! :)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

“In every marriage more than a week old, there are grounds for divorce. The trick is to find, and continue to find, grounds for marriage.”
~Robert Anderson

“People do not marry people, not real ones anyway; they marry what they think the person is; they marry illusions and images. The exciting adventure of marriage is finding out who the partner really is.”
~James L. Framo, Ph.D.

“A happy marriage is the union of two good forgivers.”
~Ruth Bell Graham

“You will come to know that what appears today to be a sacrifice will prove instead to be the greatest investment that you will ever make.”
~Gordon B. Hinkley

Thursday, July 1, 2010

My God is REALLY BIG! He is ALWAYS there for me and makes me smile :) He is in control of my life, and I trust him to protect me from harm. I can show compassion and forgiveness to others just as He has shown this to me. I have nothing to fear in this world and many blessings to count.. life is GOOD!

God does not punish us for all our sins; he does not deal harshly with us, as we deserve. For his unfailing love toward those who fear him is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth. He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west. The Lord is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him ~Psalm 103:10-13